Saturday, February 26, 2011

Presenting EPR at Methodcamp Lugano

MethodCamp 18-43-44
showing off
MethodCamp 19-07-24


Anonymous said...

Thanks for tthe EPR template and the Calibration sheet.

Theres an error in the calibration formula. It should be greater than column B an less than column C. (You've got less than both columns.)

And in the EPR template, there's a spelling error in the Estimation of Value. It should be "Expected Effort" in the header.

Thanks for doing both of these!

Unknown said...

Thank you for using EPR and your suggestions. Glad you take the time to make the tool better.
I've corrected the spelling error.
The calibration formula is right, the confusion arises from the fact that I interchanged the variables of the LG operation:

=IF(OR(LT(D2,B2),LT(C2,D2)), 0, 1)

I query if the value is out of the upper and lower bounds and give back 0. Certainly the variable switching does not contribute to the readability of the formula. So I changed it to

=IF(OR(LT(D2,B2),GT(D2,C2)), 0, 1).

I may enhance the calibration section in the future with other calibration tools.