Sunday, August 1, 2010

Hair Salon Simulation now under creative commons

So, as told in my last post I tried hard to argue that immeasurables exist,... and failed miserably. Thats a good reason to start a AIE Group at TIS.

I declare my first Excel Model, the Vienna Hair Salon Simulation as licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
Creative Commons License
Here the Problem and its Solution rawly traduced via Google Translate:
How many salons there are in Vienna?
I put the following considerations:
  1. There are approximately 1.8 million "Wiener"
  2. Almost all have hair and almost all cut not privately
  3. Viennese cut them every one to two months
  4. The hairdressers work about 220 days a year, but some part-time
  5. Pro Salon work 1-4 Hairdressers
  6. A hairdresser needs 20min to 1h for a haircut
From this I calculate the number of salons. Because the calculation is not just simple add up, I make a Monte Carlo simulation.
The result is that the most likely number of hair saloon is between 0 and 2000.

histogram of the simulation
The dirty truth is that the model tends to favor slightly the 0-200 salons bin. Of course the Garbage-In/ Grabage-Out Principle says you can't look at the details if your model is that rough. So the result is fairly good.