The Bayesian Theorem is one of the most powerful black magic tools of mathematical occultism. I want to formulate in plain text the purpose and properties of Bayesian Theorem.
Given an evidence, to what degree can we assume a hypothesis is true?
Lets assume
Evidence e: a bettor places a for him unusual high amount on a horse
Hypothesis h: a bettor has inside information
Problem p(e|h): When we know e, to what degree can we assume h?
Hypothesis h is a little hard to prove. We would need a court to judge that there was a inside information or even manipulation of the game. Lets relax h to a more broader term and reformulate the problem.
When a bettor places a unusual high amount what is the chance that he wins? We relax h to:
Hypothesis h1: a bettor wins
Where h is part of h1, i.e. a insider needs to win to be an insider.
We could look at what we know about our bettors:
- Certainly we know when a bettor places an unusual high amount, lets say more that 5 times the average in a similar bet. We know how many bettors do that, p(e).
- We know how many bettors are winning in our horse races, p(h1).
- We know how many past times winners betted high, p(e|h1) means literally: given that a person wins what is the likelihood he betted high? We know that from the past.
Now Bayes says we can predict from this data if a person will win if he is staking high.
p(h1|e)= p(e|h1) p(h1)/p(e)
Lets say p(e|h1)>0.5, then we know winners are usually staking high. This gives us evidence that they are confident to win. Why could that be? Reflect on this :-)
p(h1) in a game like horse race should not exceed 0,5 since all the money is in the pot, i.e. there are no more winners than losers and winners are just a few. p(e) will be also under 50%, just because otherwise the amount would be "usual". Whats important here: the smaller p(e) in comparison to p(e|h1) p(h1), the greater p(h1|e).
The chance a highstaker is winning rises when fewer people are betting high amounts, while the ratio of winners that betted high stays the same. That is certainly true.
What is when p(h1|e)>0.5? Then its likely that high stakes lead to big wins.
In the case of p(h1|e)<0.5 I would certainly bet with the bettor without spending a doubt on his reputation.